Tour Schedule

Private tours/experiences for groups of 2 or more people are available on other dates by arrangement. Contact us by email, phone or using the enquiry form to arrange your bespoke experience.

Schedule 2024 - Dates will be scheduled by May

DateTour NameLocation
Saturday 1st JuneWoodland and heritage walk around Strangford villageStrangford village
Saturday13th JulyCoastal walk at Kearney NT villageKearney NT village
Monday 26th AugustHistorical tour of PortaferryPortaferry

Tours can also be booked for the following places for 2 or more people by arrangement: Downpatrick; Cloughey; Dundrum; Killyleagh; Donaghadee

Legacy of Saint Brigid Experience on offer throughout the year for groups by arrangement.

Tours must be booked 24 hours in advance of commencement.

If you do not receive a confirmation email 12 hours before the tour please phone/text 07763898074

All walking tours commence at 10.30am. Please arrive 15 minutes before departure.

Why choose a tour with Brigid from Sustainable Journeys Ireland?

  • Superior personal service
  • Authentic and memorable experiences
  • Flexible dates and times for tours
  • Hidden gems off the beaten track
  • Engaging stories of the place and people